Things About Tibet and Stuff You Probably Didn't Know About
- The Dalai Lama received millions of dollars from the CIA to train guerillas to fight against China. The aid stopped after Nixon's visit to China. Not so much nonviolent now?
- Before falling under Chinese control, Tibet was a theocracy headed by the lamas. The lamas lived in riches and exploited the poor.
- Tibet was a feudal society. The monk class controlled all the wealth and were supported by a class of serfs. Serfs composed the vast majority of the population in 1951. The peasants were taxed up the ass and often mutilated if they got out of line. E.g. Eye gouging.
- The monks used to go out to the peasant villages and pick out young boys (9 years old), and bring them into the monasteries to be used as sexual objects and alter recruited into monkhood.
- There was slavery. Aristocrats had servants in their homes who owned nothing and had practically no rights. Their descendants were born into slavery and bound to their masters.
- Serfs were taxed for a variety of things. Getting married, birth of a child, a death in the family, planting a tree, keeping animals, religious festivals or dancing in the street.
In general, Tibet was a shit hole.
Source for most stuff: